Spring brings so many out door projects, doesn't it?! I don't know about you, but after being trapped indoors all winter....I LIKE to get out there and do some work! We decided this year that a cement pad was needed by the bunny hutches. We wore the grass out and ended up with big mud spots where I had to stand twice a day to feed and water. Not very nice on the wet days. So we got some pavers and placed them....problem solved! I also decided this year to grow my cucumbers on a trellis. This saves space as they go up and not out all over your garden ground. I'm only doing a few as we don't want to can pickles this year. We just want some fresh one's for salads and sweet and sour cucumbers. We used some stakes and some fencing wire we had left from our big fence around the backyard. It turned out pretty good. As the cucumbers grow I'll post back in with some pictures as to how the trellis thingy is going/growing. We made sure to get the stakes extra deep so the thing won't fall over.
Before: This bed used to have beautiful flowers in it...but for the past year has been home to the bunnies...it was time to fix it up! We plan on painting the hutch with white wash to make it pretty and to protect it from the elements...but that's for another weekender project!

DH and youngest setting the pavers. They had a great time and youngest is learning how to be quite the little man around the house!

And so you don't think I got out of the work....I helped lay the railroad tie boarders, then I got the bed ready, helped staple the wire fencing , laid the mulch AND planted the cucumbers...so my plate was very full that day also. It's so much more nice now than the weed patch it had become!!!

All finished! (I planted the cucumbers after I snapped this one.)

You all did sucha great job! It looks awesome! I have never thought of growing cucumbers on a trellis before! good thinking! We grow enough cukes to share with 3 families! WOW! they just grow really well here, I guess. good luck with your garden...remember to pray for the Lord's bounty! Have a great day!
Thanks, Kim =) We will for sure trust the Lord for blessings from the garden!! Are you planting some this year? Good luck with your garden too if you are!
Yes, we are planting. Actually we almost finished up yesterday! WE planted 50 ft rows of peas, onions, carrots, lettuce, spinach, beets, brussel sprouts, tomatoes, beans, squash, zuch, rhubarb, asparagus, then in a seperate garden we have potaotes and pumpkins. We ran out of room for peppers and a few other things I wanted..but that is ok. We put up all the veggies we need for the winter :) God's blessings are many!
have a great day!
WOW, Kim!! Sounds like you have a wonderful garden going!! One year I would love to start an asparagus patch. Do you have much luck with it? I've heard start up can be a lot of work...but they sure are wonderful fresh =) Hope you and your are having a blessed weekend!
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