Junk Mail envelopes
a straight edge
Colored pencils
Cut both corners off your envelope to form a triangle. Make a pretty color or design on the front. To use- open the pocket up and put on the corner of the page you want to mark....I usually put a few extra pages in there too it seems to hold better. I like to zip the envelope corners off and just throw the undecorated markers into a big basket I have to be decorated later, but you can also just leave them plain too. If you're a Granny or Mom you could let the kids color them with their own creations that you will get to see each time you open your book....what FUN!
Cut corners off:
What a great idea!
Love it!
That is the cutest idea ever! I'm going to make a bunch for my husband for Valentine's day. The kids are always pulling his bookmarks out of his books and losing them. (:
Thanks guys :) Have FUN with it!
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