The concern was over my color choice and really if polish was even right to wear. I'll be honest....I've never even stopped to consider if it was an issue of right and I spent the day mulling it over and seeking an answer. I don't see it as an issue at all, for me at this time. I see it simply as a choice. If you hold a strong conviction that nail polish is something wrong then by all means don't wear it. Maybe God knows it could become a stumbling block for you and put you in bondage in some way, maybe it has in the past and God wants you to put Him first?
I guess as with could lead to sin....lets say you became so obsessed with the perfect nails that you spend way too much time and money on them .....and let your house go because you didn't want to ruin your manicure....or spent your last 40$ on a nice set of tips instead of food for your family. Maybe you judge people on their nails and/or their lack of care to them...or compete with other ladies with your nails in some way. Then nails might have become an idol- something you focus too much good food and overeating or too much TV. I think personal idols can be just that....personal....and can vary from person to person. Here's an example: Chocolate. It holds nothing magical to me and I can choose to eat it whenever I want to or not...even daily. But I am not in bondage to it at all. I can take it or leave it. Then there are others totally addicted to it...they can't help it and it rules and ruins their has become an idol to them. They have given such a great place in their hearts that they almost worship it. It's not the item of chocolate that's's the position they have allowed it in their lives. It rules them. It controls them.
I don't know....but I do see where one can get out of balance with manicures or chocolate or whatever the "it" is. For me...polish simply brings a little joy and a smile to my face on the occasions when I want to paint my nails....kinda like when I take a really good and relaxing bubbly bath or decide on a nice BIG bowl of ice cream with nuts AND whipped cream! I don't have any problem with colors either....dark or light....God made them all. MAN assigned the wacky meanings to them. Spiritualism says they "mean" something. Examples...Red is Hot or angry, evil, means money, is soothing, calming, brings peace....remember the old "mood" rings- LOL! Colors can DO nothing....they have NO power what so ever. God made many wonderful things in gray. Beautiful storm array of majestic birds and fish...many other animals large and can come in gray and even the very color of our hair usually turns gray with age....and God numbers each and every one of those...even the grays! The color means nothing. How could gray be any worse than pink? Or less righteous than cream?
But lastly I do want to say that if you feel a STRONG personal conviction to not wear nail polish then please don't because that may be an area God wants your obedience in...and I cannot say what God wants for you in your life....that's between He and you alone. But if you are feeling in bondage either way (to wear or not to wear) then PLEASE take it to the Father in deep prayer and study because one thing I know FOR SURE is....Jesus did NOT die on the cross for us to live in bondage to anything! I hope that helps in some way

How sad. Polish is one of those little things that are a joy booster , just like my tiny little makeup compact , or my growing mountain of smelly soaps , washes and lotions (Free , not baught , I'm really good at winning things).They can make a day verging on bad go great. I can not wrap my head around why nail polish could be sinful , really I can not.
A great smelling soap IS something wonderful!!I am happy your pile is growing :) Ya know the whole polish thing kinda boggled me too....but I guess people really do struggle with these types of things...I think people's hearts are in the right place though with wanting to please the Lord. :)
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