July 15, 2010

Thanksgiving in July!!

Yes it's true. I cooked a thanksgiving dinner 2 days ago. The turkey was bought last Thanksgiving when birds were 59 cents per pound. So I've been reading about different ways to cook them and I finally got the nerve to try cooking my turkey from frozen. I've never had the guts to do it on the BIG DAY....cuz like what if it didn't work? Couldn't risk it. Well it DID work! It was SO easy! I lament all the years of thawing and no room in the fridge for DAYS and running cold water over my "why is it NOT thawed after 4 days like it should be" turkey. I cooked this 12 pound bird from frozen and it only took 3 1/2 hours! No leaky salmonella juice everywhere...no slippery large bird to deal with. Straight from the freezer to the oven...3 mins prep at best! I'll post a video and linky to the information. Instructions here

Here's a few snaps of my bird. I actually think he was done earlier ....but when I opened the foil cover (no lid to my roaster) and probed him with the thermometer...he was done... almost over done in fact!

I think my Thanksgiving Day dinner just got a lot EASIER! Wow...double wow.....this makes me almost giddy! I know....I'm a dork. =]

Check out some older posts on Thanksgiving:
De-STRESS Thanksgiving

Make turkey and noodles with the leftovers:
Oodles Of Noodles Part 2: Video

Sub turkey for the chicken in any of these leftover meals:
Leftover Chicken Meals + MORE!!


Mikki said...

You go girl!!
I LOVE this!! I love to buy things on sale and my hubby likes to have turkey every now and then. It's great to know that I can cook it straight from the freezer..

Jen said...

I know!!! Every once and a while it's fun (and sometimes better) to break from the way you've always done things!! Thanks for stopping by!