October 30, 2010

Etsy Shop

Ok I finally did it. I got off my rumpus dumpis and got the Etsy shop started! From now until about forever I will be listing all sorts of goodies. There will be Earrings of course....did you know it takes a long time to list a bazillion pairs? HAHA! There will also be crochet hair scrunchies, candles and maybe some soap jackets/cozies (those are cute little hand stitched or crocheted pretties you wrap around your soaps to pile them up in a cute basket...these may or may not come with soap). There may even end up being some toy felt food....and other fun felt things. Wish me luck and pop on by for a look see sometime!! Thanks !

Rose when I list the items made with your beads I'll include a linky in the add to your shop!!
There will be a box on the side bar showing current listings.


Simply Bonkers! said...

Awesome! I've been meaning to list there as well. Let us know about your success on Etsy please! :-)

Amanda said...

How cool! Way to go! Wishing you much success with your new shop :D

Jen said...

Thank You Ladies =]