April 4, 2012

Counting the Cost: Not always Money

Most of us understand counting the cost in terms of money. How much is something gonna cost me in cash? My post yesterday got me thinking about how I've counted the cost in different ways over the years as I've simplified my like. Counting the cost in terms of TIME and ENERGY. Everything we bring into our homes takes our precious time and energy to take care of. From the littlest thing to the biggest. I'll give some examples from my life to help illustrate the concept. Let me first restate again that everything I state is simply a personal choice in how I decided to simplify my life and you may take your own path in counting your own costs.

Linens- About 7 years ago....I went to all white linens. They all match and if I need more towels or sheets I simply add to the stack. I have replaced bottom sheets only as the tops don't wear out near as fast....since I use no patterns in the sheets I just buy the fitted sheet and it matches! Laundry is so much more simplified as whites can all be washed together. You may bore with white....but I love that it matches everything and I use color in accessories. Plus if anything happens.....bleach is my friend and has saved the day many times.
Throw rugs- I used to LOVE them. At every door, kitchen, dining room, bed rooms. I loved the layered look and still do. Now I layer elsewhere besides the floor....with pillows, fabric and blankets. I was spending so much TIME shaking, washing and moving the rugs to clean and vacuum. The cost of my time and energy was too high. I rolled them up and donated them to Goodwill. The only rug I now use is 1 in my bathroom right by the shower to prevent slips. My floors are bare and vacuuming is a breeze now. I will never go back. My back thanks me. I eliminated 2 loads of laundry and about 2 hours a week extra work to wash and move rugs. I have not noticed any increase in dirt in the house from not having a rug by the entry way doors....it seems the same as with rugs.
Curtains- I mentioned this one yesterday. I used to LOVE the look of layers and layers of lace curtains. I still do.....but the work of getting out the ladder to get them down and wash them was getting to me. I could not vacuum the dust off them because they would get stuck down the hose as they were a dainty fabric. So I would take them down to fluff and dust them in the drier. Ugh....such work. I decided to move to mini blinds and a simple sturdy fabric topper. This has worked out much better for me. I now just use the brush attachment to my vacuum and dust the whole lot....no ladder involved as my vacuum brush has an extender piece that can reach.
Couches- I used to have a beautiful used navy blue cloth couch that my brother gifted me. That thing was so pretty..but my little sweet dog has piles of white hair that stuck tight to the fabric. Ugh .....what a chore to clean! I am not kidding you...it always looked hairy and was HARD to clean! When it came time to replace that couch....I thought really hard about it. I counted the cost of my time and energy. I went with a fake leather type material. No hair troubles any more....no vacuuming the cloth couch any more. Sigh....of...relief. I can simply use my swiffer if anything settles on the couch. Freedom.
Pets- Think LONG and HARD before adding a pet to your home. We have a dog and cat...and various other little critters. Turtle, hamsters....and one hedgehog. They all take a substantial amount of time for care and honestly....money. For food and medical care. Flea meds are expensive each month...but not as expensive as getting fleas...LOL! Plus I'd say the number one source of plain old dirt on my floors right now is my dog. In and out to potty multiple times a day brings in the dirt. I LOVE my pets and this is one example where I did consider the cost....in time , energy and money.....and this time it was worth it! (But secretly I do think this will be my last dog and cat. If nothing happens...they both should be here till around the time all my kids will be done with high school and moving on in life....I will be in my 50's then and strongly feel right now that I will want the freedom from pets at that time. But we'll see!)
So count the deeper cost to the things you add to your life and do NOT be afraid to change anything that isn't working out for you!

Have a wonderful week!!

1 comment:

Kim @ Homesteader's Heart said...

Oh I have to agree with you on all these levels. Especially the pet one. We had 2 dogs for over 10 years and it was a constant upkeep of vacuuming and just caring for the pets. Financially it is a quite an investment. We are pet free now and I was finally able to get rid of my leather furniture and do something a little more cottagey and fun.
I'll have to think on that whole white sheet thing. You may be on to something.
Have a lovely day.