February 7, 2009

Monthly Menu Update!

I'm STILL working at it! slow and steady wins the race, right?? :P Things are changing with this due to the heath needs of my firstborn twin boy :) We finally got to get his bone age test done....and he is behind a little bit (we already "knew" this because he is identical to his brother and over the past few years, his brother has really surpassed him in growth... you know how your "knower" just knows these types of things.) He is in the 3rd percentile on the growth chart for boys his age. His father and I are short so he'll probably stay on the bottom his whole life. He also has some very mild osteopenia (that's thinness of the bones....we have to do some more testing to see if this is genetic or due to diet or something else....this can be caused by a bazillion different things varying from mild to very serious, from genetic to dietary, digestive....and serous diseases. I honestly don't think it's anything "BIG". I am trusting the Lord and expecting a GOOD report! In about 8 weeks he'll get some more tests run. I am still working towards a month long menu....but some food items will be changing slightly to bump up the calcium and protein & veggies in our diets and any other needs based on what we learn later :) I have found a nice free monthly menu page here that I have printed a few off and will be working with. I'll post back when it all gets to come together but it may have to wait a wee bit. How do you feel about sneaking more veggies and things (like extra powdered milk or wheat germ in baking) into your kids diets? Adding pureed veggies to spaghetti sauces or prunes and applesauce to brownies? Or maybe even veggies snuck into smoothies? This was recommended to me along with two books that I am going to check out at the library. I don't have a problem with it because I DO serve fruits and veggies in their natural forms too. But I was talking with a real life friend and she honestly thought it was a bad thing to do, almost like fibbing to your kid? I don't think I see it like that. Here's the two books...if you know any others like it let me know :)

* I found this video


Kim said...

I hope all turns out well with your son! I will pray for your family. I add veggies to my ground beef while I am cooking it...and then add it to whatever I was making. you can't taste them...but they stretch your meat and you eat more veggies.

Anonymous said...

I thank you for the prayers :D You are a blessed sister! I think you are right.....with burgers, meatballs and meat loaves I will for sure be adding in veggies... thank you for the tip! After I get though the books I'll review them here and share their best tips :)

Troop Coordinator said...

I love the idea of adding veggies in while cooking. I've read things about people cooking certain veggies, then they will puree and freeze in ice cube trays. These "veggie cubes" are quick and easy to plop in lots of dishes. I seem to remember them using squash (yellow and zucchini), cauliflower, and carrots.