June 28, 2010

Monday, Monday

Whew...it's HOT here in Ohio today. We had good storms and now it's kinda damp and muggy. I got my grocery shopping done for the week so that's good! But it was totally draining to do so! Days like this aren't good for much...except iced tea and remembering how very nice air conditioning is! Here's an oldie but goodie post on Sun Tea Savings . Iced tea still costs about the same for me...only the sugar has gone up 30 cents since the post. Still get 100 tea bags for 99 cents. I now get them at my local Dollar General as I find their tea bags to be less bitter and much more smooth than Save A Lots. I still do most my shopping at Save a Lot. I get a few brand name things at my Kroger store....mainly Ovaltine and Life Cereal. Life cereal is at Save a Lot but it's the smaller box ...the larger box at Kroger's is the better deal as of right now. I keep telling myself I'll get back to menu Mondays...but just haven't gotten around to it. There always tends to be other things taking up my time.....such is life! Hope your week is off to a terrific start!!!

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