April 3, 2012

No Spring Cleaning!

Woohoo! I don't Spring clean. It's not a dirty little secret either! I just keep things done. A LONG time ago I read some great books on organizing. I never liked spring cleaning anyway....so much WORK right during the time the weather finally gets NICE and I wanna go outside after the winter doldrums. What a bad time to plan cleaning. I mean I know why they did it long ago.....open up the windows....beat the rugs...you know the heavy stuff. In my search for all things organized I was lead to just break things up through out the year and ENJOY my Spring. The only things I really do now in Spring is the yard and garden preps but that gets me outside! Not stuck inside slaving away. I changed some things too....no heavy drapes to wash anymore. I have simple toppers and mini blinds now. These both I just vacuum off once a month.....no need for a big drapery wash day. I found a mid weight comforter that I can just keep on regularly. I witched from Spring cleaning my carpets to doing it just before Christmas since I have a party usually and just clean it then. Every once and a while if the Spring season is super wet.....I may have to do the main hall ways due to mud being tracked in by people and puppy paws. But I have a home steamer that is no harder to use than my regular vacuum. So basically I little by little inch by inch all my main chores and just always do one thing. 365 days a year means a lot of time to do things. It's just a different way of doing things. I used to save all my laundry for one day....BIG mistake for me....I was stuck doing laundry ALL DAY clean through till bedtime. Now I just do one load a day....very easy. I put the load in to wash as part of my bedtime routine. Then next morning in it goes to dry. The kids fold when they get home from school and put away that load. Works out much better. Sometimes it's not the how much you have to do....but the how you are doing it. Remember though that we are each our own and there is no right or wrong way to clean your home. It is YOUR home after all and you know best what works for your family! Have a great day!!

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