LOL! Last years garden with the Ruth Stout method went SO well!! (Just sold her books on E-Bay for $23.50 EACH so if you own them and want to sell...NOW'S the time!!- Once you "get" the really don't need the books any longer and the extra $$$$ can fund your garden upstart!!!) Garden went well...up until the end that is. NO WEEDS THOUGH!!! Life took over and the garden got left. I did snap out of it and get most items into the freezer. BUT the weeds didn't take overall Ruth Stouts method DID work and if I go a gardening again in the future ....that will be the preferred method. This year since life is still in a recovery mode....I planted 3 tomato plants. That's it...that's my garden. Home grown maters and summer go hand in hand to me. Being able to pick a warm fresh mater from my back yard makes me smile. I have felt no call or nudge from God to put in the garden to end all gardens this year....not one single I'm not. I only mention this because certain friends think I'm nutter for NOT putting in my depression recession trump card?? May God bring blessings and full harvest to those who He may be calling to monster gardens....only He knows His perfect plans. In fact God has me in a period of release right now....releasing things I "thought" I HAD to do....needed to do....must do. All He is asking for right now from me is TRUST and go Day by Day. This summer I found homes for my two beloved bunnies that lived outside. Since they moved outside two years ago....the kids have simply lost interest. That's OK. The kids are that much older and some pets have lost their sparkle. That's OK too! So we talked as a family and decided new homes were in order. They were no longer blessing us and costing us time AND money in care and food. Craig's list is a wonderful tool and within 1 Day we found them a wonderful new home together with a new family! My garden is now located where my bunny hutch was. We tilled the ground under with all it's natural bunny fertilizer, finished the boarder (FREE wood from flower bed we took out) ...mulched with two bags of leftover mulch from last season that didn't even match-we just mixed them well ( FREE) and planted my 3 tomato plants- these I did buy but could only get a six pack near me so I blessed my brother with the three extra plants for his garden!! They will thrive and give me plenty of fresh for mater sandwiches and even a few bags for the freezer and chili this winter....please consider freezing your whole it SO easy and will set you FREE !!! Here's a video on it if you missed it Tomato Talk. Hope your gardening is going well!
~ Moxie
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