Simplify again Lord?? Yikes! About 3 years ago I got the not so gentle nudge from God that I seriously needed to simplify my life....so I did. It was WONDERFUL!!! Now I'm feeling it again. To go deeper...to do more. There are still areas in my life where I like to make it more complicated than I should. Maybe it's a symptom of nearing my 40's? Or seeing that I only have around 7 years left with my kids at home. Sure some of them may stay during college and into early adulthood...but they won't be kids any more. I guess I see my life changing. It IS changing...infact...it ALWAYS changes...that's strangely the one thing that stays the same.....change. HAHA! I have a strong desire to s-l-o-w down more. To weed out the things that aren't so important for fewer things with more meaning....things with lasting value. To connect more with the people in my life/home. I have this home FOR my family....I didn't go out and get married and have kids for the house's benefit! I'm gonna work a bit more over the next few weeks to seek out areas in the home that aren't working for my family....be it the front closet that just won't contain our coats anymore....when it should.....to a linen closet filled with things we don't really use that just get toppled over when we need to reach the things we DO use. We finally DID clean out the kids closets that were filled with just toys from their early childhood....what a blessing that has been. They kept only a few things they loved and donated the rest. I have been reading some Dave Ramsey books on getting your financial house in order....he's got some great information! Finances is an area I'd like to clean up too!! I'm adding a side bar item....more for me than you guys...to track the money I earn this summer through yard sales...ebay....crafts I may sell....and any other way I make odds and end money even just left over grocery money. I would like to have $1000 saved up for an emergency fund...in liquid CASH. We have no debt right now except about $100 on a credit card that we will pay off next month. My car has been paid off for almost 2 years now and we just paid off hubbies a few months ago....so no car payments now for a time. I drive an older Windstar van and am hoping that car will make it through highschool for the kids. I want the emergency fund so we won't need credit any longer for those little things that "happen"...then I would LOVE to start paying down our house mortgage. It would be a dream of mine to pay off the house ASAP! Totally debt free would be true freedom to me. Plus I would like to declutter again and this time most items ARE e-bay worthy.....most the junky stuff went out before. So hopefully that number will go up as the summer trucks along! I LOVE the show Hoarders.....it always makes me want to clean and donate....Monday kicked off with a new episode! Sometimes I think if I have to work later when the kids grow up and leave that I would like to help people in that capacity...an organizer or therapist...or something....shoot I already do that a lot with family and friends right now.....only I don't get paid....maybe I should start charging!!! LOL!
"I'm gonna work a bit more over the next few weeks to seek out areas in the home that aren't working for my family....be it the front closet that just won't contain our coats anymore....when it should.....to a linen closet filled with things we don't really use that just get toppled over when we need to reach the things we DO use."
Excellent thought. And I guiltily remembered my plan to clean out the horrid downstairs closet that is strewn with unhung coats, random electronics pieces, and I suspect a huge tub of Mega Blocks and Playdoh from many years ago. I think I needed to read this to motivate myself to stop ignoring it and actually go fix it!
Hi Stacy....*waves from Ohio!!* Thanks for stopping by! I think I'm just gonna do little bits at a time. Last year when I had the kids start unloading the dishwasher daily we ran into trouble with our tupperware space....what a MONSTER space that was *blush*....the kids just couldn't make it all fit the way "I" could. It was such a stress release to finally fix that space....for the kids AND me. I am hoping to solve more of these problems this summer...good luck to you if you do too!!
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