March 19, 2012

Happenings in Ohio

Oh it it SO PRETTY here in Ohio! My Daffodils are in bloom!! We've had some rain yes....but the temps have been Divine! Upper 70's and this week moving on up to the 80's next. The grass is perking up and the buds are waking up on the trees. This time of year is wonderful! I have had my house windows opened for a full week now....I just love it! Even on the rainy days....things just smell so fresh. I've gotten out the box fans to move some of that good fresh air farther in the house.

Thinking about the tomato patch this year....Mothers day is when it's safe to set seedlings in Ohio. I went with a different variety last year , Early have my maters sooner. But Honestly I just didn't like that variety near as much as my beloved beefsteak! I LOVE fresh tomato sandwiches and the beefsteak is hands down the best for that. Only trouble? Beef steak take forever to clean till late August...too late to wait. So this year for the first time.....I think I'm going to spend just a bit more and buy a few plants that are BIG...I'm talking already 2 ft tall (or more) and weeks ahead of the babies. It really is only a bit more.....say around $4- $5.99 per plant instead of $5 for 4 small baby ones. We'll see in later spring where I go with it. Since I do the no till heavy mulch method (Ruth Stout)

....I can set my plants just as soon as the weather is ready.....I bet I can get them in way early this year as it has been so mild here in Ohio.....I doubt there will be any sign of Mr. frost!

My BFF and her mother invited me and my family to their home church this past Sunday. They have both recently (the past year) really come home to the Lord....I can not tell you how HAPPY it makes me to know my Bestie and I will spend eternity together laughing, singing and praising the makes me giddy.....I hope Heaven can handle the two of us....LOL! Growing up her parents were second parents to blessed for her too! Her Church is beautiful and not far was invite a friend day! We plan to attend for Easter. My family went through a crisis the past 2 years and sadly we weren't regular church goers during that time.....we are hoping as we put our pieces back together to add some form of regular fellowship to our family routine.

I was gonna talk about my crock pots too but since I've run on a little....I'll post later about I'd like to take a picture to add and that'll have to happen later! I own 3...One a wedding gift (Old faithful) One a free gift for helping clean out a basement (Older/ Old faithful from the 70's but still kicking strong)....and Old blue....who came from Good Will and is really green....HA HA....I know I'm a dork! Anyway we'll talk crocks later.

Have a blessed and wonderful Monday...bless your family and take JOY in your homemaking!

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